Lowongan Kerja PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee)

PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee)

  • Tanggal Posting:
  • Kategori:
    Loker S1Loker S1
  • Pendidikan:
    SMA/SMK - D3/S1
  • Penempatan:
    Tangerang, Jakarta Utara

PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee) – TOMORO COFFEE adalah merek kopi yang mempunyai semangat serta tujuan untuk menyajikan kopi terbaik dengan harga terjangkau bagi pecinta kopi kami. Didirikan pada tahun 2022 under PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia, sudah banyak outlet yang tersebar di Jabodetabek dan outlet pertama mereka di Landmark Pluit, Jakarta Utara. Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee)

Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Sebelum Melamar Kerja, Sebelum Anda melamar pekerjaan baik secara online maupun datang langsung ke perusahaan yang ingin dilamar, Anda tentunya harus menyiapkan berkas persyaratan terlebih dahulu. Dengan memahami cara melamar pekerjaan yang benar, peluang untuk diterima juga semakin tinggi.

Tidak hanya persiapan dokumen saja, Anda juga harus menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi serangkaian tahapan seleksi untuk bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut. Simak ulasan berikut ini untuk mengetahui cara melamar kerja.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan yang Baik dan Benar, Bagi Anda yang akan melamar pekerjaan, Anda pasti berharap agar bisa diterima, bukan? Untuk membuat HRD terkesan, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang baik. Berikut ini cara melamar pekerjaan yang baik dan benar agar peluang Anda untuk diterima semakin tinggi.

Satu: Cari Informasi Tentang Perusahaan, Dua: Siapkan Dokumen Persyaratan yang Dibutuhkan, Tiga: Gunakan Alamat Email yang Benar, Empat: Pilih Divisi atau Bidang Pekerjaan yang Sama, Lima: Jangan Terlalu Sering Berganti Pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan, sebaiknya persiapkan berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa persiapkan fisik dan mental Anda dalam mengikuti setiap tahapan seleksi pekerjaan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee)

Saat ini PT Kopi Bintang Indonesia (Tomoro Coffee) memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama dengan Posisi Sebagai Berikut :

1. Admin Operation Support

Requirements :

  • Assist Area Manager for Store Operations
  • Plan and implement improvements, such as facility maintenance
  • Collaborate with the team on efficient and smooth daily operation in accordance with company policies
  • Assess procurement needs
  • Build and maintain strong working relationships with service providers to ensure reliable support
  • Conduct routine asset inspections to maintain accurate records and ensure proper care and use of resources
  • Prepare/create clead and understandable reports on general services, procurement activities, and asset management
  • Placement Jakarta Barat – Tangerang (Site)

Job Description :

  • Have good Communication Skills
  • Have analytical Skills and Administrative Assistance Ability
  • Have Administration and Operational Experience in FnB
  • Have Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced environment
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office suite
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or related field is preffered

2. Production Planning and Inventory Control (PPIC)

Requirements :

  • Educational Background: Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Industrial Engineering, Business, or a related field
  • Experience: Minimum of 1 years in PPIC, Inventory management, procurement
  • Strong analytical skills with a focus on data-driven decision-making
  • Excellent interpersonal skills for cross functional collaboration, especially with R&D, Marketing, and Operations teams
  • Placement Pluit, Jakarta Utara (Headquarter)

Job Description :

  • Monitor and maintain optimal inventory levels for raw materials, packaging, sub-supplies, and other essential items at the warehouse and hub locations
  • Work closely with the roastery team to ensure a steady supply of coffee beans and packaging materials, minimizing disruptions
  • Demand Forecasting: Develop monthly and quarterly forecasts to anticipate inventory
  • Track and analyze inventory data, lead times, and consumption patterns

3. Regional Marketing Supervisor

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in bachelor degree in any discipline
  • Minimum 1-2 years experience in retail or marketing
  • Familiar with product display food and beverages
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and design tools
  • Ready to business trip if needed
  • WIlling to be placed on Pluit Nort Jakarta

Job Desctiption :

  • Develop and implement material or product display based on the company brand and marketing strategy
  • Visit outlet regularly, check display effects and adjust display layouts in timely manner
  • Ensure that the materials are sufficient and good condition
  • Provide guidance on display techniques
  • Market research and event support

4. Production Planning and Inventory Control (PPIC)

Job Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Supply Chain Management, Industrial Engineering or a related field
  • Minimum 1 year experience in PPIC, inventory management and procurement
  • Strong analytical skills and able to handle multiple priorities, meet deadlines, and manage both strategic and operational tasks
  • Willing to be placed on Pluit North Jakarta or Tangerang

Job Descriptions :

  • Monitoring and maintain optimal inventory levels for raw materials, packaging, sub-supplies, and other essential items at the warehouse and hub locations
  • Work closely with the roastery team to ensure a steady supply of coffee beans and packaging materials
  • Coordinate with R&D, Marketing, and Operations teams to support product launches, promotions, and sesonal menu changes
  • Develop monthly and quartely forecasts to anticipate inventory needs and adjust ordering schedules
  • Issue Purchase Requisitions (PR) and collaborate with the purchasing team

Tata Cara melamar:

Jika anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas, silahkan  kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap melalui email dibawah ini :

Posisi 1 & 2

E-mail : elsa@tomori-coffee.com

Subjek :
Posisi 1 : Admin Ops Support
Posisi 2 : PPIC

Posisi 3 & 4

E-mail : kristina@tomoro-coffee.com

Subjek :
Posisi 3 : Regional Marketing Supervisor
Posisi 4 : PPIC

  • Proses selseksi lowongan pekerjaan ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi poin-poin kualifikasi dan persyaratan akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.
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