Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

PT Freeport Indonesia

  • Tanggal Posting:
  • Kategori:
    Loker S1Loker S1
  • Pendidikan:
  • Penempatan:
    Timika, Papua
  • Batas Akhir:
    23 September 2024

PT Freeport Indonesia merupakan perusahaan afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan. PTFI menambang, memproses dan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. Beroperasi di daerah dataran tinggi di Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Berikut ini Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia.

Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Sebelum Melamar Kerja, Sebelum Anda melamar pekerjaan baik secara online maupun datang langsung ke perusahaan yang ingin dilamar, Anda tentunya harus menyiapkan berkas persyaratan terlebih dahulu. Dengan memahami cara melamar pekerjaan yang benar, peluang untuk diterima juga semakin tinggi.

Tidak hanya persiapan dokumen saja, Anda juga harus menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi serangkaian tahapan seleksi untuk bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut. Simak ulasan berikut ini untuk mengetahui cara melamar kerja.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan yang Baik dan Benar, Bagi Anda yang akan melamar pekerjaan, Anda pasti berharap agar bisa diterima, bukan? Untuk membuat HRD terkesan, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang baik. Berikut ini cara melamar pekerjaan yang baik dan benar agar peluang Anda untuk diterima semakin tinggi.

Satu: Cari Informasi Tentang Perusahaan, Dua: Siapkan Dokumen Persyaratan yang Dibutuhkan, Tiga: Gunakan Alamat Email yang Benar, Empat: Pilih Divisi atau Bidang Pekerjaan yang Sama, Lima: Jangan Terlalu Sering Berganti Pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan, sebaiknya persiapkan berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa persiapkan fisik dan mental Anda dalam mengikuti setiap tahapan seleksi pekerjaan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia

Saat ini PT Freeport Indonesia sedang membuka lowongan kerja dan memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

Environmental – Coordinator, Program Development & Communication

The purpose of this position is:

  • Perform environmental Public Awareness and Education Program in cooperation with educational institutions, regarding PTFI environmental programs, community environmental programs, and community 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) programs in order to support department goals in effective and efficient manner.

The key duties and responsibilities of this position are:

  • Execute environmental awareness events (e.g., clean city, earth day, environmental day, bird watching, Working With Youth (WWY) etc.), in coordination with relevant parties (e.g., GovRel, CorCom, Local Community, etc.) in order to increase environmental awareness among PTFI’s communities.
  • Facilitate community and school 3R programs in order to achieve department goal in effective and efficient manner.
  • Evaluate and recommend on community and school 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) programs to ensure 3R programs can be improved continuously in effective and efficient manner.
  • Maintain coordination with other Department Sections, other departments, institutions and communities in the implementation of Public Awareness and Environmental Education programs in order to gain support.
  • Provide logistic and materials required for the programs to ensure that all material required are well managed.
  • Record all data and/or report related with the programs and make proper analysis and provide report to relevant parties in order to evaluate programs so that it will perform continuous improvement.
  • Provide inputs regarding environmental communication tools, environmental publications and environmental curriculum for students to achieve department goals in effective and efficient manner.
  • Provide teaching schedule within section and conduct classes as required in coordination with education institution regarding education programs in order to support environmental awareness.
  • Organize and liaise with relevant parties (e.g. GovRel) on field trips as required for environmental education programs.
  • Understand and be aware of safety and environmental practices in the work area ensuring safe work practices within the group and compliance with company Safety and Environmental SOP’s.

The key challenges in this position include:

  • Further investigation on environmental education program proposals in order to have cost benefit analysis.
  • Maintain good communication with relevant departments and institutions.

The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:

Minimum Education and Experience

  • Bachelor degree (S1) in Agriculture or Environmental science or Education with at least 3 years working experience in various environmental management programs.

Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters)

  • Experience in 3R programs.
  • Creative and Innovative thinking.
  • Good presentation skills.
  • Intermediate in Project management.
  • Skills in motivating and influencing people.
  • Other standard and mandatory competencies.

The key areas in which you have decision-making responsibility are:

  • Provide input of what education programs that can be implemented and what the target of people on implementation.
  • Provide input for environmental communication tools to be used by other group.

Jika anda berminat , Silahkan klik tautan dibawah untuk mendaftar secara online :

Daedline : 23 September 2024

PERHATIAN! melamar pekerjaan di lokerind.id tidak dipungut biaya apapun
