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Jakarta - Batas Akhir:
19 Januari 2024
PT Freeport Indonesia merupakan perusahaan afiliasi dari Freeport-McMoRan. PTFI menambang, memproses dan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. Beroperasi di daerah dataran tinggi di Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Berikut ini Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia.
Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Sebelum Melamar Kerja, Sebelum Anda melamar pekerjaan baik secara online maupun datang langsung ke perusahaan yang ingin dilamar, Anda tentunya harus menyiapkan berkas persyaratan terlebih dahulu. Dengan memahami cara melamar pekerjaan yang benar, peluang untuk diterima juga semakin tinggi.
Tidak hanya persiapan dokumen saja, Anda juga harus menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi serangkaian tahapan seleksi untuk bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut. Simak ulasan berikut ini untuk mengetahui cara melamar kerja.
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan yang Baik dan Benar, Bagi Anda yang akan melamar pekerjaan, Anda pasti berharap agar bisa diterima, bukan? Untuk membuat HRD terkesan, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang baik. Berikut ini cara melamar pekerjaan yang baik dan benar agar peluang Anda untuk diterima semakin tinggi.
Satu: Cari Informasi Tentang Perusahaan, Dua: Siapkan Dokumen Persyaratan yang Dibutuhkan, Tiga: Gunakan Alamat Email yang Benar, Empat: Pilih Divisi atau Bidang Pekerjaan yang Sama, Lima: Jangan Terlalu Sering Berganti Pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan, sebaiknya persiapkan berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa persiapkan fisik dan mental Anda dalam mengikuti setiap tahapan seleksi pekerjaan.
Lowongan Kerja PT Freeport Indonesia
Saat ini PT Freeport Indonesia memberikan kesempatan untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Smelter Operation Readiness – Organization Development Officer
- Provide a range of career management services with high quality professional and technical services to a culturally diverse range of customers. Contribute as professional team member to a large team, at all times demonstrate behaviors that fully support PTFI Values and PTFI HS policies and procedures.
- Demonstrate behaviors that match PTFI Values, follow, and apply PTFI HS policies and procedures, in order to be a role model for learning & development program participants.
- Prepare valid data of proposed successors for each staff position, High Potential Employee (HPE), and Expatriate successors based on the standards in policy and procedures.
- Conduct site wide career management reviews with compliance to the standards with Department Hears for: all staff positions, HPE, Expatriate counterparts, at risk positions.
- Responsible to initiate the relevant Development Plan (e.g. GDP, PDP, Gresik Ring 1 and Ring 2, Expatriate counterparts, etc.) to ensure align with Organization needs.
- Gather required data for reports to MRB, ensuring data is correct and relevant to MRB concerns, and that any issues are highlighted and supported with reliable data.
- Summarize and present relevant data required to support Individual Development Plan (IDP) program, e.g. personal development plan, competency chart, performance appraisal results, training programs and schedules, etc.
- Conduct Organization Review to address the needs of current and future position with competent candidates, close discussion with Department and related sources and suitable propose learning activity
- Work with L&D team to set up viable training schedules that will meet customers’ expectations
- Report potential barriers, challenges, and issues to related manager and provide suggestions to resolve difficult situations, following PTFI policy and procedures in place. Report abnormality to and consult demanding situations with direct supervisor.
- Organize electronic and hardcopy data/documents/reports, perform administrative duties, and support related jobs originated from other groups to the standards.
The background, education, and work experience needed to succeed in this job are:
- S1 Degree in Management, Psychology, or Industrial Engineering with at least three (3) years of working experience in Organization Development HR fields.
Core Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Characters) :
- Analytical skill.
- Communication skill.
- Interpersonal and Human Relation skills.
- Cultural Sensitivity.
- Concern for Safety and Environmental.
- Team Leadership and Development.
- Resource Conservation.
- Confidentiality.
- Other PTFI mandatory competencies.
Jika anda berminat , Silahkan klik tautan dibawah untuk mendaftar secara online :
Batas Akhir Pendaftaran 19 Januari 2024
PERHATIAN! melamar pekerjaan di lokerind.id tidak dipungut biaya apapun