Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Seabank Indonesia

PT Bank Seabank Indonesia

  • Tanggal Posting:
  • Kategori:
    Loker S1Loker S1
  • Pendidikan:
    D3, S1
  • Penempatan:
    Solo, Jakarta, Bintaro

PT Bank Seabank Indonesia (sebelumnya PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi) terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) serta merupakan bank peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Seabank Indonesia.

Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Sebelum Melamar Kerja, Sebelum Anda melamar pekerjaan baik secara online maupun datang langsung ke perusahaan yang ingin dilamar, Anda tentunya harus menyiapkan berkas persyaratan terlebih dahulu. Dengan memahami cara melamar pekerjaan yang benar, peluang untuk diterima juga semakin tinggi.

Tidak hanya persiapan dokumen saja, Anda juga harus menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi serangkaian tahapan seleksi untuk bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut. Simak ulasan berikut ini untuk mengetahui cara melamar kerja.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan yang Baik dan Benar, Bagi Anda yang akan melamar pekerjaan, Anda pasti berharap agar bisa diterima, bukan? Untuk membuat HRD terkesan, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang baik. Berikut ini cara melamar pekerjaan yang baik dan benar agar peluang Anda untuk diterima semakin tinggi.

Satu: Cari Informasi Tentang Perusahaan, Dua: Siapkan Dokumen Persyaratan yang Dibutuhkan, Tiga: Gunakan Alamat Email yang Benar, Empat: Pilih Divisi atau Bidang Pekerjaan yang Sama, Lima: Jangan Terlalu Sering Berganti Pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan, sebaiknya persiapkan berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa persiapkan fisik dan mental Anda dalam mengikuti setiap tahapan seleksi pekerjaan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Seabank Indonesia

1. Team Leader Customer Operation (Solo)

Job Description :

  • Involve and provide solutions to problems experienced by customers that cannot be handled by L1 Agents, to maintain customer satisfaction and Agent capability.
  • Switch L1 agents to serve customers in accordance with specified service quality standards
  • Monitor and evaluate Agent performance, provide learning or training opportunities, and take corrective action, so that Agents perform according to their productivity potential.
  • Ensure L1 agent productivity meets specified targets
  • Prepare and create Agent performance reports every week/month/year, to support future team performance evaluations.

Qualification :

  • Minimum 3 (three) years working as a contact center in the banking industry or technology company
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree from any major
  • Understand the operation of information & computer systems
  • Understand verbal & non-verbal communication methods
  • Able to communicate using minimally passive English
  • Understand data processing and reporting

2. Customer Service (Kelapa Gading)

Job Description :

  • Carry out services to customers as:
  • Deliver product and service information bank;
  • Follow up and finish customer complaints;
  • Perform all activities that become relevant Customer Service authorities Automated Teller Machine card.
  • Conducting Cross Selling of Bank products.
  • Perform archive management.
  • Handle complaints from customers and create a recap of customer complaints in Microsoft Excel form.
  • Identify and mitigate potential risks, especially Operational Risk on each transactions made in Customer Service.
  • Performing Customer Due Diligence to obtain accurate relevant information prospective customer data in accordance with the data submitted in the opening application account.
  • Performing Enhanced Due Diligence to high-risk customers by adding aspects requirements or data that must be met by prospective customer.
  • Implement Payment Tools Using Cards operations.

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma or Bachelor’s degree from any major.
  • At least 1 (one) year of experience in related field.
  • Excellent with Excel and able to operate Microsoft Office & PowerPoint.
  • Customer oriented.
  • Placement Kelapa Gading.

3. Field Collection Agent

Job Description :

  • Perform field collection visits to non-performing loan portfolios
  • Prepare collection deposit slips and a list of debtors before every visits
  • Update all visit results through daily reports
  • Follow up on contactable debtors with payment promises
  • Follow up on debtors who breach their promise-to-pay

Qualification :

  • Minimum a Diploma or Bachelor’s degree in any major
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in field collection
  • Understands BI regulations, OJK regulations, and other regulations related to banking activities
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office well
  • Understands general banking operations

4. Desk Collection Agent

Job Description :

  • Responsible for collection from customers for the non-performing loan portfolio under management via telephone
  • Performing duties for all debtor billing result
  • Updating all debtor billing results through daily reports
  • Following up on debtors who have under perform on non-performing loans.
  • Working in a team and individual contributor

Qualification :

  • Minimum Diploma Degree in any field.
  • At least 1 Year(s) of working experience in the related field.
  • Experiences in skip trace are an advantage.
  • Familiar with collection strategies and creative in negotiating repayment terms and methods.
  • Have good interpersonal skills
  • Able to work together with a team or Individual.
  • Excellent communication skills both verbal and written.

5. Teller Branch (Bintaro)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Melayani kebutuhan Nasabah dalam memproses transaksi tunai dan non-tunai
  • Mengelola uang tunai khasanah (cash in vault) secara harian
  • Memastikan uang yang diterima telah sesuai dan transaksi diproses sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
  • Membuat dan bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan-laporan yang diperlukan dalam ruang lingkup Teller

Kualifikasi :

  • Minimal S1 semua jurusan
  • Minimal 1 (satu) tahun pengalaman kerja sebagai Frontline di perbankan
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
  • Memahami proses operasional dan ketentuan perbankan
  • Teliti, disiplin, jujur dan service oriented
  • Bersedia ditempatkan cabang SeaBank di Bintaro, Tangerang

6. Teller Branch (Padang)

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

  • Melayani kebutuhan Nasabah dalam memproses transaksi tunai dan non-tunai
  • Mengelola uang tunai khasanah (cash in vault) secara harian
  • Memastikan uang yang diterima telah sesuai dan transaksi diproses sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku
  • Membuat dan bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan-laporan yang diperlukan dalam ruang lingkup Teller

Kualifikasi :

  • Minimal S1 semua jurusan
  • Minimal 1 (satu) tahun pengalaman kerja sebagai Frontline di perbankan
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
  • Memahami proses operasional dan ketentuan perbankan
  • Teliti, disiplin, jujur dan service oriented
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di cabang SeaBank di Padang, Sumatera Barat

7. Fraud Detection

Job Description :

  • Carry out fraud prevention activities on a daily basis
  • Investigation of fraud cases, where it is expected to think critically
  • Create case reports
  • Communication and investigative mediation with related parties

Qualification :

  • Minimum 0-1 year of experience as Banking Fraud Analyst or related position
  • Minimum Diploma Degree from Law, Criminology, Information Technology, System Information or related field
  • Willing to work in shifting
  • A plus if has experience handling case fraud
  • Strong interpersonal, analytical and communication skill

8. Corporate Affairs

Job Description :

  • Execute all matters relating to the security and comfort of the company environment
  • Compile all report data related to office facilities (costs, damage, vendors) to determine follow-up action from the company
  • Documenting important office asset documents and carrying out stock taking of office inventory
  • Submit requests to procurement for services or goods that will be needed
  • Coordinating with Procurement in providing office needs (snacks, stationery, drink machines, catering, etc.) and managing invoices to ensure all office needs are met
  • Coordinate with users/requestors, to ensure effective and timely coordination and good teamwork in maintaining office facilities
  • Preparing purchase request and invoicing

Qualification :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality would be preferred
  • Minimum 0-1 of experience in office management or general affairs
  • Mastering Excel/Spreadsheets

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