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PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (TBiG) adalah salah satu penyedia infrastruktur telekomunikasi independen terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami terus meningkatkan keunggulan baru melalui penerapan kebijaksanaan dan nilai-nilai terbesar. Terkait dengan komitmen ini, kami yakin dapat menonjol dari standar untuk mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. Berikut ini Lowongan Kerja PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (TBiG).
Hal yang Harus Kamu Lakukan Sebelum Melamar Kerja, Sebelum Anda melamar pekerjaan baik secara online maupun datang langsung ke perusahaan yang ingin dilamar, Anda tentunya harus menyiapkan berkas persyaratan terlebih dahulu. Dengan memahami cara melamar pekerjaan yang benar, peluang untuk diterima juga semakin tinggi.
Tidak hanya persiapan dokumen saja, Anda juga harus menyiapkan mental untuk menghadapi serangkaian tahapan seleksi untuk bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut. Simak ulasan berikut ini untuk mengetahui cara melamar kerja.
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan yang Baik dan Benar, Bagi Anda yang akan melamar pekerjaan, Anda pasti berharap agar bisa diterima, bukan? Untuk membuat HRD terkesan, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang baik. Berikut ini cara melamar pekerjaan yang baik dan benar agar peluang Anda untuk diterima semakin tinggi.
Satu: Cari Informasi Tentang Perusahaan, Dua: Siapkan Dokumen Persyaratan yang Dibutuhkan, Tiga: Gunakan Alamat Email yang Benar, Empat: Pilih Divisi atau Bidang Pekerjaan yang Sama, Lima: Jangan Terlalu Sering Berganti Pekerjaan. Sebelum melamar pekerjaan, sebaiknya persiapkan berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa persiapkan fisik dan mental Anda dalam mengikuti setiap tahapan seleksi pekerjaan.
Lowongan Kerja PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (TBiG)
1. Arkom Staff (Pekanbaru, Lampung, Jabo Outer)
Job Description :
- Ensuring community cases (Comcase) are handled according to procedures
- Ensure the total potential penalty due to comcase for all Operators in a year.
- Ensure completion of Comcase Colo
- Ensure the average land rent for all types of land.
- Ensuring the fulfillment of site payments that have BAK according to the scope of each area.
- Reporting and coordinating with the Area community team at Head Office
Requirements :
- Minimum S1 Any Major
- Minimum 2 years experience in the telecommunications industry, especially handling comcase
- Having good communication, negotiation and problem solving skills.
- Having knowledge of local culture is preferred
- Placement Pekanbaru, Lampung, Jabo Outer
2. Operational Auditor (Makassar, Semarang)
Key Responsibilities:
- Audit business process in the company according to the policies
- Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operation to management.
- Make audit plan and data analysis before do the assignments
- Present audit result and recommendation in form of effective and efficient report
- Identify, understand and handle fraud
- Willing to be placed in TBIG area
- Minimum S1 in any major
- Having minimum 4 year experiences as auditor
- Operational auditor is preferable
- Good in manage database
- Having experiences in telco industry and knowledge in fiber optic & IBS is preferable
- Placement Makassar, Semarang
3. IT Security Senior Engineer (Jakarta)
Key Responsibilities :
- Provide threat and Vulnerability Assessment, PIS (Phishing Attack Simulation) & Pentest analysis as well as security advisory services
- Analyse and respond timely to software and hardware vulnerabilities and recent IT security threats and issues
- Operate security related tools (HIDS, NIDS, IPS, Analyzers, Scanners, etc.) to identify active threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, exposures, etc., and prioritize for activity within the team. Assist in speedy identification of mitigation/remediation solutions.
- Provides plans strategies necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information
- Liaise with Risk Management Team in regards to information security issues and threats
- Liaise with Internal Audit Department and external auditor teams
- Draft regulation and procedure on IT security and Governance
- Develop/deploy/administer/support/remediate security tools and processes to meet business requirements. Leverage concepts such as automation, templating, multiple inheritance, error-handling, and code re-use to ensure efficient and simple operation.
Requirements :
- Knowledge of frameworks related to IT security (PCI-DSS, J-SOX, NIST, or ISO 27000) & familiar with local laws and government regulations (UU, PP, POJK, PBI)
- Minimal Degree
- Minimal 5 years’ experience
- Good writing skills (English and Bahasa) & possess knowledge related to IT security
- Able to conduct security risk assessment & having professional certification (OSCP/CEH/CHFI/CISA/Risk Certificate) would be an advantage
- Have a good attention to detail, especially for server administration (Windows & Linux based)
Tata Cara melamar :
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Batas akhir pendaftaran 29 Maret 2023
Proses seleksi lowongan pekerjaan ini tidak di pungut biaya apapun.
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi poin – poin kualifikasi dan persyaratan akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.
PERHATIAN! melamar pekerjaan di lokerind.id tidak dipungut biaya apapun